Download morpheus
Download morpheus

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So, although you can visit the dream worlds in any order, there?s no escape once you are there ? until the problems are solved. In each of these ?worlds?, there are three puzzles to overcome before you can return to the 'normality' of the ship. As well as exploring the Herculania itself, you will visit several ?dream worlds? each based on a theme relating to one of the passengers. A large part of the game involves finding respective codes to open the passengers' cabins, by solving various puzzles. Gameplay is standard point-and-click affair, with no inventory and no game characters with which to interact directly. This ?inside? story is a macabre tale of revenge and romance, and every passenger has his or her own salacious secrets, all very fascinating.

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Similar in style to games such as Zork Nemesis and The 7th Guest, you will get to know these passengers via ghostly ?encounters? that appear when you select a relevant hotspot. And so begins the story within a story as you learn about the ill- fated maiden voyage of the Hercluania in 1928 and the collection of specially invited passengers on board. Similar to Myst, the Herculania is devoid of people, but filled to the brim with mysterious gadgets to figure out and manipulate. On your way to unravel the mystery, you will come across an extraordinary, mysterious device called the Neurographicon, which plays a pivotal role in the story. You soon learn that the mysterious ship is called Herculania, and it definitely plays a part in your father's disappearance. When the game proper starts, you take control of Holmes who's safely on board the ship, and interact with the game world from a first-person perspective. A hulk of a ghostly ship looms large, and it seems to be the only safe haven from the storm. You learn that Holmes is on a desperately quest to solve the mystery of his father's disappearance, some 30 years earlier. This well-written tale of Jules Verne-esque mystery and modern exploration begins with the monologue of a desperate man, Matthew Holmes, an arctic explorer who is lost in the Arctic blizzard. One of the very few Myst-style games I really like, Morpheus is an excellent adventure that plays like a cross between Titanic: Adventures Out Of Time and Phantom of The Opera.

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